Creating My Identity


Identity can be defined as a set of characteristics that can be recognized as belonging exclusively to oneself  and creating ones individual personality for life, so in other words, it is what makes them different from others. However, does everyone truly have their own set of characteristics that belong only to them? Or has the pop culture of our society taken over and formed a more homologous set of people taking away one’s unique identity? I find myself wondering this often as, for example, a group of girls walk into a room with their camelback water bottles, I-phones, baby lips chap stick, UGG boots, buckle jeans and PINK sweaters. Have we really made a society where you become unpopular or even unacceptable just for not following the latest mainstream trends? I want to break free from that circle and create myself so I can be proud of who I am when I look into a mirror or see a picture of myself. I want to be remembered for who I am and not as a random girl who follows each and every popular trend. In my journey of creating my identity I will share my thoughts on anything that I feel is worth sharing.


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